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The Orange Republick

We The Orange Republick declare ourselves artists second and lovers of trees first.  These important and oft-ignored elements of our environment, providers of oxygen and fruit in exchange for nothing more than a plot of dirt, water and light, have something to tell us and you can help their voice reach greater heights.

‘Tree tags’ consists of acts designed to raise awareness through the ritual hanging, observation, and later removal of tree tags, construction paper slips of paper hung by a cotton thread. After each performance, at a later date there is an exhibition to display the ‘veteran’ tags which have been used in previous actions as well as imagery created during the event displayed in situ on large prints supported on construction-site barriers outside of museums, in city squares, or the countryside. The interplay between nature and these tags, themselves children of our beloved trees, catch the eyes of passersby as they navigate the urban (or not) jungles we share as denizens of this planet.

In this body of work, the trees themselves are the protagonists; they do outnumber us by a significant degree after all, 3 trillion to our almost 8 billion.  Primary colors draw attention to the primary role trees play in our survival as part of the collective of living beings that inhabit the planet, both in urban environments where a lack of trees has been linked to higher mortality and worse childhood development, and rural ones where they produce a large portion of the very oxygen we need to breathe.

To date the work has taken place in Seville and Córdoba, Spain and is transferable to any urban or rural environment.  The intent of the work is to raise awareness of the necessary nature of these elements as well as to demand the care and proliferation of these seemingly voiceless elements.

Come plant trees with us.