@onlyensevilla represents a visual repository of the visual stimuli I’ve encountered in my adopted city since 2020. Originally intended as a once-a-day exercise in processing the world around me, it has evolved into a sort of journal and archive of the lights and shadows that reflect my experiences over the same period and a visual investigation of how these elements (personal experience + visual stimuli) interact to form a coherent flow of stream of conscious imagery.
Each post contains the date, time and location of each image, manually added to share with the world and commentary associated to events during these tumultuous times. The unusual use of a social media platform as a repository for my own data, coupled with other free online data harvesting tools has led to the creation new works such as the mapping project, the Virgen del Rocío & HUVR books, and the series of books “Guía Fotográgica de Sevilla”, as well as individual works included in other exhibitions.
All works 2020 – ongoing
Prints available upon request.